“The kingdom of heaven is like treasure hidden in a field, which a man found and covered up. Then in his joy he goes and sells all that he has and buys that field." -Mt. 13:44 (ESV)

Monday, January 10, 2011

Putting our thoughts on Heaven

I'm going to start this blog out with a statement from Francis Chan's book, Crazy Love: Lukewarm People think about life on earth much more often than eternity in heaven. Revelations 3 talks about how God does not appreciate "lukewarm" people. In fact he spits them out of his mouth. Francis's chapter entitled "Profile of the Lukewarm" digs into what is a lukewarm person and how do they live their lives. I would love to share all of them with you...but that is where you will have to read the book :) The statement above has been put on my heart as of late and I have been pondering it over the last several days.

For those of you who are following my blog know the health struggles I have been through. (If not, read one of my first posts). I have had countless people come up to me and ask how I can still have the faith I do, with all that I have been through? My answer: Because I have something so amazing to look forward to, Heaven. I have the confidence that when my time here on earth is done, I will be living with my Father in Heaven for eternity. If I look at myself in a "worldly/ present" way, I will see the scars, I will focus on the things I cannot do and once was able too, and I will see the way I struggle with different tasks. The only way I avoid looking at life that way is looking to Heaven and seeing this life as temporary. God has given me the grace to look past what I can't do. He has allowed me to choose joy in the midst of difficult times, and He has given me peace in knowing whatever the future holds, He is there. The thing is I cannot live my life worrying about the future and if there will be more health issues down the road, because that would consume me. If I don't look past what I can't do, I will end up having a pretty disappointing life and frankly would probably become a "Debbie downer." With that said, the life we are living in is temporary! Don't focus on earthly things, but eagerly anticipate the coming of our Savior!

So my question to all of us...why are we living our lives focused on our day to day living? Our schedules, vacations, to do lists, etc. When we should be intent on considering the life to come.

Blessings to you in this New Year, may it be filled with a new perspective on the way we as Christians should live. May you all have the peace in knowing that your Savior will always be there in good and in bad times, and may He give you the ability to choose joy when those bad times may arise.

"Set your minds on things above, not on earthly things"- Col. 3.2