The devotional this week that really caught my eye and made me think, was of excerpts from the book "The Imitation of Christ". This chapter focused on the temptations we face on a day to day basis. What are the temptations in your life? Eating an extra piece of chocolate cake when you know you are counting calories? Is it the temptation to have sexual relations out of marriage? The temptation to jump into a group of gossipy ladies because you know you have some juicy details? Whatever each of us are dealing with, we ALL have temptations, and we ALL know we can't run away from them. They will follow us wherever we go.
Have you ever fallen into those temptations? Many times it feels good, doesn't it? But how about afterward? Do you feel regret? Did that chocolate cake really not taste that great, as you now have to walk an extra couple miles to burn it off? What about sexual relations? Did it bring you pleasure, but are you now filled with pain? Knowing you gave something away you can never get back.
I have had my own tempations, ones I've fallen into, and the ones I deal with throughout the week. I've had the feeling of regret after I eat so much cookie dough that I feel just plain yuck! How many times have I fallen into the gossip world? Honestly, probably way too many to count. I know I ask God many times throughout the day for forgiveness, but why do I keep doing some of the things I do? Why do I keep falling into temptation? Thomas Kempis says, "Peace is not found by escaping temptations, but by being tried by them. We will have discovered peace when we have been tried and come through the trial of temptation." We should not pray asking for a life free of temptations, but a life of overcoming temptations. Through these temptations I learn I need a better understanding of my need for God's help. I can't do this on my own no matter how strong and solid I think I am.
Conrinthians 10: 12-13 says "So if you think you are standing, watch out that you do not fdall. No testing has overtaken you that is not common to everyone. God is faithful, and he will not let you be tested beyond your strength, but with the testing he will also provide the way out so that you may be able to endure it."
As each of us deals with our own temptations, I pray that you and I will find peace in God. I pray we don't get frustrated through this process because it will take time, but I hope we all will get to a point where we can say we no longer have the same alluring power, and that the temptations have become more subtle. Remember the Holy Spirit is with us through times of temptation, by guiding, strengthening, and encouraging us.
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