“The kingdom of heaven is like treasure hidden in a field, which a man found and covered up. Then in his joy he goes and sells all that he has and buys that field." -Mt. 13:44 (ESV)

Tuesday, July 17, 2012

Faithful Friends.

I have been reading through the book of Psalm this summer and have been fully blessed by my involvement in the Word. It has also been exciting to study this book with my church family as Ada Bible Church is going through a sermon series on the Psalms.

As of recent I have truly been humbled by the people I have in my life. There have been many a moments in my 24 years where I have looked back and am udderly speechless how God puts certian people in my life during moments I need it. Psalm chapter 1:1 says, Blessed is the one
who does not walk in step with the wicked or stand in the way that sinners take 
or sit in the company of mockers..Our friends are important. Who are you associating yourself with?

Life is full of seasons and we need godly friends to travel with us through those seasons.

There are many seasons...a season of calm.
This is a season where life is full of wonderful blessings. When all good gifts are be bestowed upon us by God. But this is also a season when we forget to give thanks for those gifts, it is so easy to put God at the back burner of our lives as it is going so well. Do we have friends that will encourage and remind us to give thanks during those times?

A season of storms. Many of us can remember a time when a storm seemed to cascade into our lives. These are seasons of suffering, questions, and at times filled with emense pain. Are our friends those who will help bring the life back into us? Are they friends who will stay positive and encourage us to choose joy no matter the circumstances?

A season of rebellion. Then there are seasons of rebellion, when we dive head first into choosing sin and enjoying it. One of the sneaky aspects of sin is it's deceptive nature to not even realize you are dwelling in it. It is a blessing when we have friends that partner with God.

I'm not sure what I would name the season I am going through right now. It's a bit of calm, peace, with a mix of excitement and anticipation for what God has planned for me next.

In the last few weeks I have had long distance phone calls from my cousin in FL to a cousin and genuine friend in NV. A cousin and friend who will go cowboy boot shopping and friends who will sit and indulge in tasty food as we listen to each other and talk about life's happenings. My friend Tamare came over last week and we went out riding.

I personally have many favorite places, visiting family in Las Vegas, sitting lake side at the cottage, lounging on the back deck listening to nature and the occasional snort of one of my horses in the background...but I have to say, my favorite place is in my saddle on the back of my sweet mare riding around our neighborhood.

Life is good. God is great.
                                       Here are some pics of our fun  night...

Sweet Sammy



  1. marissa - i was JUST thinking about you yesterday. and then your update popped up in my posts today. i wanted to say hello - but couldn't find you on fb. so hello :) i hope you're doing well and enjoying summer! so good to see you're still posting too!


    - jennifer.

  2. I am absolutely in love with your horses. And also your love for God (obviously). I was just talking to another blogger about this ... my blog can be pretty random, and I said "hell" today (oops) :) ... but we were talking about Christian music and how amazing God's word is, especially when it comes in the form of music (at least for me). :) Love the blog!

    1. Aww. Thank you! They are such blessings to me! Nice to meet you, and welcome to my blog! I'll be following yours as well. I share that same love for music as you do, there is nothing better than belting out a favorite worship song in the car with the windows down, or at church surrounded by brothers and sisters in Christ! ...hmm possibly blog idea!

