“The kingdom of heaven is like treasure hidden in a field, which a man found and covered up. Then in his joy he goes and sells all that he has and buys that field." -Mt. 13:44 (ESV)

Monday, July 22, 2013

The blessing of a spark.

Ever have something on the outskirts of your heart and mind that you feel is forming- you then have a couple great conversations or maybe an experience and *boom* something gets laid on your heart?

Get excited.

I have recently been pondering life in a new light. What it takes for a Christian to stand a part, to make a difference, to go against the flow of culture, and to live a radical life.

Conviction has happened lately as to how I’m living life. How are my beliefs, my morals and standards affecting the way I live and the choices I make? Am I making a difference in the world? Am I challenging others by the way I live and the paths I choose to go down? Am I providing the opportunity to light a spark in the lives of others?

BECAUSE-I believe it comes down to a spark.

So, I just got back from the store after purchasing way too many sparklers for a gathering this weekend. Having just put my foot in the door, so excited at my purchases, dad decided his daughter needed a reminder talk on fire safety. After willingly listening to his wisdom I made my way over to my desk –which had this blog half typed up, when something clicked-

How easy a spark can turn into a flame.  

Over the last two Sundays I have been blessed to sit in the audience at church and listen to our speaker, Gary Burge. Gary is a professor of New Testament studies at Wheaton College. This past weekend absolutely rocked my socks off and I feel a huge need to share my notes.

About a year ago I was honored to have taught on John 4- The Samaritan Woman at the Well. However, it is so awesome to be able to hear another take on the beloved story, especially after many hours of studying it myself.

Gary began his sermon by starting out with this questions:

What are the characteristics of those who change the world?

These are not just routine Christians but those who have an encounter that pushes them to start a fire in the world; an encounter that will radically change them.

4 Characteristics

1.       Undeniable experience

2.       Immediate ‘gut check’

3.       Enviable Focus

4.       Infectious Enthusiasm

Keep these characteristics in mind as we jump into the passage of John 4.

I.                    Background:

a.       This Samaritan woman as we know is an outcast in the town. How do we know? Evidence…

b.       Water collection is done in the morning or at dusk as that is the coolest times of the day.

c.       Water collection is a time for women to come together for great fellowship. Wells belong to women.

d.      When this young woman went to get water it was the 6th hour (noon) hottest time of the day.

e.      She is alone- isolated from her community.

II.                  Community

a.       Jesus is alone at the well, as is she. Jesus is an obstacle; he is at a place that is known to belong to women.

b.      Wells are also known to bring romance into a city or a town as all the men would know where most of the women are congregating. J

III.                Water

a.       There are also two types of water:

b.      Dead Water: Whether or not humans have touched it.

c.       Living Water: Touched by the hand of God. Wells, rain, lakes, etc.

d.      If one is usually considered unclean then they may bathe in clean water and get cleansed.


Through the dialogue Jesus has with this woman we find she has given up on marriage and men. She has experienced horrible things with men and at a well (romance) she is about to come face to face with the true living water, Jesus. An encounter with a man of integrity, honor, and purity.

Everything begins to click with this woman and she is filled with the desire to go back to her town and share the Good News and light a spark.

So- what do we see in this passage?

1.       Undeniable Experience

-          Meeting Jesus

2.       Gut-Check

-          Her life was unclean

-          Jesus could make her clean

3.       Enviable Focus

-No longer defined by dead water


4.       Infectious Enthusiasm

-          Runs back to her village

Which leads to….

1.       Encounter

2.       Assessment

3.       Recommitment

4.       Zeal

Which then leads to…

1.       Meet Jesus

2.       Confession

3.       Devotion

4.       Vision


I think the world needs some sparks- are you ready to start a fire??


I recently stepped foot into an amazing place called 3 mile. 3 mile is a place where sparks happen. It is an organization for middle school-high school age kids, providing a spot for kids to hang out in not only a safe and fun environment, but also to talk and chill with a pretty awesome kid-loving passionate crew. 3 mile is a spark starter. This past Sunday I had the honor of attending an incredible concert put on by the band Bennett and the crazy awesome group Leeland. I’ll leave you with this song that nailed my heart hard. Enjoy.

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